Limerick Challenge Week 5: Breeze (Reverie …in a Breeze)

Breeze ...

Breeze …

This is my first ever participation in Limerick challenge byMindandLifematters. Being relatively new to blogging and poetry and Keeping in mind the Rules for the competition , here goes my first ever Limerick.  .This week’s prompt in the MindandLifematters is Breeze

Autumn leaves fly my way  coerced by velvety breeze…

twirling ,twisting , falling on my feet , leaving its orangey hue in the beautiful mist ..

passing through the reverie of memories , breaking way into the unknown dreams ..

touching the cascade of thoughts , creating emotions in  smithereens ..

Autumn leaves take my breath away frenzied by velvety breeze…

About namrataTanmay

home is where my Heart is .. :)


  1. This is beautiful poetry! More of poetry than limerick, I love you writing and the imagination behind this piece! very well written! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks a lot for the encouraging words.. next time will surely try for less a poetry and more of a Limerick 😀


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